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Small 與 Little的區別及用法

Small 與 Little的區別及用法

Small vs Little

SMALL and LITTLE are both used to say that someone or something is not large. SMALL only refers to the physical size of something, but LITTLE also conveys some kind of emotions at the same time.


★ This house is very small。

★ 這所房子非常小。

★ They live in a nice little house。

★ 他們住在一所漂亮的小房子裡。

There are some important differences in the ways SMALL and LITTLE are used.


SMALL can be used in front of a noun, or after a verb BE.


★ They escaped in small boats。

★ 他們乘小船逃走了。

★ She is small for her age。

★ 相對她的年齡來說,她身材嬌小。

LITTLE is normally used only in front of nouns.


★ She bought a little table with a glass top。

★ 她買了一張玻璃面的小桌子。

★ I picked up a little piece of rock。

★ 我撿了一塊小石頭。

You can add an adverb in front of SMALL to express a degree of smallness, such as QUITE, RATHER, EXTREMELY, VERY and TOO.


★ She cut me a rather small piece of cake。

★ 她給我切了一塊很小的蛋糕。

★ The box was very small, but we all managed to squeeze everything in。

★ 箱子非常小,但我們設法將所有的東西都裝進去了。

★ They are living in houses which are too small。

★ 他們住在一個特別小的房子裡。

★ Quite small changes in climate can have enormous effects。

★ 在氣候的問題上,微小的改變就能產生巨大的影響。

You can use other adjectives in front of LITTLE to express some kind of emotions, adjectives such as NICE, SWEET, PRETTY, POOR, TINY, SMART, FUNNY, etc.


★ She is a sweet little thing, always has a smile on her face。

★ 她真是個小可愛,總是面帶微笑。

★ She was a pretty little girl。

★ 她是個漂亮的小姑娘。

★ He is such a smart little boy。

★ 他是一個如此聰明的小男孩。

★ I have decided to look after the poor little thing。

★ 我決定要照顧這個小可憐。


LITTLE is used to mean young when talking about children, whereas SMALL could be used to describe the height of children.


★ There are several little children playing in the park。

★ 公園裡有幾個小孩子在玩。

★ Small children cannot ride this roller coaster。

★ 個子小的孩子不能坐這個過山車。

LITTLE can be used to show that something is not very significant.


★ I had a little trouble with the computer, but I worked it out。

★ 我的電腦出了些小故障,但我解決了。

★ Jack said he had a little situation with his sister last night。 It seems like now everything is ok。

★ 傑克說昨晚他和他的妹妹之間出了點小狀況。現在看來,一切都好了。

LITTLE/A LITTLE can be used to talk about quantity and are used with uncountable nouns.

LITTLE/A LITTLE可用來談論數量,用來修飾不可數名詞。

LITTLE is used for negative idea and it means “nearly nothing”.


★ I had little money and little free time。

★ 我沒什麼錢,也沒多少空閒時間。

★ She said little or nothing about her experience。

★ 她對自己的經歷幾乎隻字不提。

A LITTLE is used for positive idea and it means “some but not much”.

A LITTLE表肯定,意為“少許、稍微”。

★ She didn’t eat anything, but she drank a little water。

★ 她什麼都沒吃,但喝了點水。

★ A little care probably could have prevented this traffic accident。

★ 當時稍微小心一點就可能防止這場車禍的發生。

★ A little food would do us all some good。

★ 吃點東西,對我們大家都會有好處。

★ I got


sleep last night。 I’m so sleepy。

★ 我昨天晚上幾乎沒睡。我好睏。

★ I got

a little

sleep last night。 I’m ok。

★ 我昨晚睡了一會兒。我還好。

We also use A LITTLE BIT OF + Uncountable Nouns to talk about a small quantity.

A LITTLE BIT OF + 不可數名詞,意為“一點點”。

★ You have a little bit of mustard on your shirt。

★ 你的襯衫上有一點芥末。

★ I ate a little bit of the potato salad。 It is very delicious。

★ 我吃了點兒土豆沙拉,非常好吃。

★ Can I have a little bit of your time?

★ 我可以佔用你一點時間嗎?


SMALL is usually used to talk about the physical size or dimensions (length, width, height, depth, etc.). SMALL could also be used to describe the height of a person.


★ He is small in stature。

★ 他個頭小。

★ The airplane seats are only a good fit for small adults。

★ 飛機上的座位只適合小個子的成年人。

★ Can I have a small coffee please?

★ 麻煩給我來一小杯咖啡。

Another different use of SMALL is when comparing one thing with another.


★ My new phone is smaller than the old one。

★ 我的新手機比舊手機小。

★ That is the smallest coffee cup I have ever seen!

★ 這是我見過的最小的咖啡杯。

The comparative form LITTLER and the superlative form LITTLEST are mostly used in spoken English to talk about young children. And the superlative LITTLEST can also be used to describe something is cute and very small.


★ The littler kids had been sent to bed。

★ 年紀小一點的孩子已經睡覺去了。

★ He used to be the littlest boy in the school。

★ 他曾經是學校裡年紀最小的男孩。

★ This is the littlest puppy I have ever seen!

★ 這是我見過的最小最可愛的小狗狗。

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