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【薦讀】這些英語短語,能讓你瞬間提升智商!| 附免費線上填寫技巧


In this world, there are rich and poor, dark and bright, ugly and beautiful。 What you see depends on your own mentality


The world of adults can‘t afford to hurt。 They dream of how to achieve economic independence on their own

【薦讀】這些英語短語,能讓你瞬間提升智商!| 附免費線上填寫技巧


They found that the difference between the poor and the rich is not only in whether they work hard or not, but also in their “thinking”。


Most of the people who play mobile phones and video games are ordinary people。 The rich are more willing to spend their money on learning。

【薦讀】這些英語短語,能讓你瞬間提升智商!| 附免費線上填寫技巧


Ordinary people think about how to spend every day, while rich people think about how to use money to make money。 Values are different。


We only have to change our own ideas, but also keep learning and making progress。

【薦讀】這些英語短語,能讓你瞬間提升智商!| 附免費線上填寫技巧


Don’t repeat the decadent life day after day, set a goal, cheer up, everything will be better。


Improve yourself well, and you will be less embarrassed in the future。 Don‘t muddle along。

【薦讀】這些英語短語,能讓你瞬間提升智商!| 附免費線上填寫技巧


No one will pay for your future。 You either try to climb up or rot in the shallowest mud of society。 This is life。


Don’t be afraid of failure。 What is failure? It shows that it is a step closer to success。 Success is achieved through thousands of failures。

【薦讀】這些英語短語,能讓你瞬間提升智商!| 附免費線上填寫技巧


There is no such thing as “can‘t do” in this world。 When you lose all your dependence, everything will be OK。


To the efforts of their own said refueling, remind the waste of their own no longer waste。 Believe in the dream, the dream will believe you。

【薦讀】這些英語短語,能讓你瞬間提升智商!| 附免費線上填寫技巧


Our fear of time, in fact, is not the aging brought about by the growth of age, but the fear that with the growth of age, we still have nothing。


The reason why we have to work hard is not to change the world, but to prevent the world from changing us。

【薦讀】這些英語短語,能讓你瞬間提升智商!| 附免費線上填寫技巧

15,想要不負人生,只有不放棄 ,堅持住,終會得償所願,到時,你定會看見不一樣的自己。

Want to live up to life, only don’t give up, stick to, will eventually get what you want, then, you will see a different yourself。


