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【得意洋洋】 【興致勃勃】 【虎視眈眈】 【議論紛紛】

【天網恢恢】 【言之鑿鑿】 【文質彬彬】 【白雪皚皚】

【大名鼎鼎】 【衣冠楚楚】 【人才濟濟】 【行色匆匆】

【生機勃勃】 【微波粼粼】 【氣喘吁吁】 【怒氣衝衝】

【儀表堂堂】 【白髮蒼蒼】 【目光炯炯】 【野心勃勃】

【熱氣騰騰】 【飢腸轆轆】 【想入非非】 【波光粼粼】

【眾目睽睽】 【可憐巴巴】 【精神奕奕】 【風塵僕僕】




(1) Our motherland is full of patriots and talents。


(2) China has a history of 5000 years, and it is still full of talents


(3) Our class is full of talents


(4) For our class is indeed full of talents, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, each has its own advantages


(5) Although the people I know are full of talents, I think I am the best!


(6) I am full of talents, elated, full of belly, elated, energetic and angry



(7) Our class is full of talents, with their own characteristics, small writers, small bookworms, athletes and doctor of insects


(8) Speaking of cattle, our class is full of talents


(9) Ancient heroes, with brilliant stars, vast history, and a large number of talents,。


(10) This place with a big palm is full of talents


(11) Our class is full of talents。 Everything is better than you


(12) Alas, why are the other groups full of talents, while our group is a bunch of rookies


(13) There are so many talents here that he is also overshadowed by his arrogance。


(14) In such an era of talents, if you want to stand out, you must face the challenge bravely and strive for it


(15) Class 7 and class 5 are really full of talents, heroes and heroes with distinctive personalities


(16) I lament the rapidity of time, the abundance of talents around me, and the inability to get the favor of this autumn


(17) There are many talents here, and great people emerge one after another


(18) The isolated military camp is full of talents, including masons, sewing workers and leather shoes makers。


(19) If there is a way to teach, there are many talents and customs。 Kang Youwei


(20) Large number of visitors (full seats) and distinguished guests (full of friends) and a large number of people (there are many talents)


(21) there are so many talented people here that we don‘t need outsiders to intervene。


(22) motherland, you have a large number of talents。


(23) there are so many experts in our class。 There are so many talented people


(24) the teacher under the stage smiled and sighed: Class 5 is really full of talents!


(25) the leisurely nature of heaven and earth teaches people earnestly。 There are many talents, and education is like the spring breeze; peach and plum fragrance, and the teacher’s way is like rain and dew。



(26) teacher, I wish the students you educate are full of talents and a large number of elites。


(27) in the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty, Lianchi Academy was built and became famous at home and abroad

