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The first sannyasin Osho addressed hadsent him a letter earlier saying that she was in a deep loving relationshipwith her husband, but at the same time she felt attracted to someone else。How to do?



Two things to remember。 The first: lovegrows only in deep intimacy and trust。 If you change persons, from A to B, fromB to C, it is as if you are transplanting your being from one place to another。You will never grow roots。


And the tree will grow fragile and weak。 To gainstrength, deep roots are needed; and to gain roots, time is needed。 And forlove even eternity is not enough。 Even eternity is not enough, remember,because love can grow and grow and grow —— and there is no end to it。 There isa beginning, but there is no end。



So don‘t take love as a superficial thing。It is not just a relationship。 Through love, your whole being has to bediscovered。


It is sacred, but in the West it has become very profane; it hasalmost lost the meaning。 It has become more and more sexual and bodily, verysuperficial and casual。 In fact I am afraid that the West may lose the verydimension of love。 People may completely forget that there was a possibility ofinner endless growth in it。


If it is a question of excitement, then itis good to change partners。 Then you are more excited and your partner issomething to discover。 With an old partner everything is known and settled; thewhole territory is known。 One starts feeling a little fed up, a little bored。


Thisis natural。 But if you love the person, you love even the boredom。 If you lovethe person, you also love even his old habits, the old ways, the old territory。Old things have a charm of their own, mm? Just the old armchair you sit on ——it has something that no other chair can give, it fits perfectly。 Not only thatyou know it, it also knows you。



There is a familiarity in the old room inwhich you have lived, the old house。 there is a certain affinity, a certaintuning, so that by and by you are not two separate things。 You have melted intoeach other and have become one, and the boundaries have become blurred。 Withnew things, boundaries are very shy and the separation is very clear。 Oldthings have their charm, but one has to discover it。


Only children are interested in new things。The more grown up you are, the more interested you are in the old things, andthe less one is bored。 Then you go on finding that these are just levels,layers; that when you love a person one layer has been known —— but don’t concludethat that is all。 A deeper layer is waiting to be provoked and challenged ——and there is no end to it。


In fact the person himself is not aware how manylayers of being he has。 If a lover challenges his being, not only the loverwill know, the person himself will come to know his being —— and only throughlove。 we come to know each other when we challenge each other, and go onprovoking each other。



So try to find out new was with the oldperson —— and you will never be at a loss。 Once you know the key of how toalways discover a new layer, then the old person is never old。 Or, he is oldand yet new。 then you are not bored or fed up。 then by and by roots grow。


A point comes in deep love where the loverand the beloved almost become one。 I say almost, because the bodies remainseparate; but they come to feel a harmony。


Now even new research shows that iftwo persons have loved each other very long, they need not say anything to eachother。 If a thought arises in one person, it is immediately transferred to theother。 Old lovers don‘t say much but they understand。 By and by lovers becometwins, mm?


So love is a great adventure, it is not acasual thing。 It is a life commitment —— and if you can understand, it is acommitment for lives, not only for one life。


Because of Christianity and Judaism andMohammedanism —— and these three religions have become very important in theWest —— the concept of rebirth has been lost。 But if you love a person verydeeply in this life, you will find him in the next life again。 There arerecorded phenomena about the same couple being born again and again for manylives, going on discovering each other。



So let love be your meditation。 Make it asacred thing, not a casual phenomenon。 Let it be a challenge。 Each challenge ispainful because each growth is painful。




So for six months you have to make loveyour meditation。 Forget that anybody else exists except your lover。 And seewhat happens in these six months。


If someday some idea arises about somebody—— because mind goes on thinking; it is a betrayal of the inner spirit, it is arenegade, a Judas —— don’t repress it, because repression is not going to help。




Each night, whenever you have any desire, any erotic desire arising, for halfan hour close the eyes and let that desire have full play in fantasy。Whatsoever you want to do, do in fantasy。 Don‘t condemn it; it is natural, justhuman。 Devote that half hour completely to it so that it is finished with。


Soon you will start seeing the whole gameof the mind, and within six months all ideas of other persons will disappearfrom the mind。 And when that happens, for the first time you will know whatlove is。 Up to now you have only heard the word, mm? So six months。 And thenevery month you go on reporting how things are going。 Good, Anupama。



