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ironically /arnkli/ adv。 具有諷刺意味的是

例句:Ironically, for a man who hated war, he would have made a superb war cameraman。 具有諷刺意味的是,他這樣一個憎恨戰爭的人曾經可能成為一名優秀的戰地攝影師。

slip /slp/ v。 滑落

例句:The fish slipped out of my hand。 魚從我手裡溜掉了。

swallow /swl/ v。 吞沒

例句:Large areas of countryside have been swallowed up by towns。 大片大片的鄉村地區被城鎮吞噬。

Ironically, the 50th anniversary is supposed to be “golden,” but the most precious piece of gold that the man owned was nowhere to be found。

具有諷刺意味的是,50週年紀念日本應是“金婚”紀念日,但他擁有的最珍貴的那件黃金卻無處可尋。be supposed to do sth。意為“應該做某事”;that引導定語從句,修飾先行詞the most precious piece of gold。

Now, more than ever, he longed for his ring!

現在,他比以往任何時候都更渴望他的戒指!more than ever意為“越發;尤其;超出任何時候”;long for意為“渴望”。

The ring must have slipped off of the man’s hand by accident while he was working in his garden all those years ago。

這枚戒指一定是多年前他在花園裡幹活時不小心從他手上滑落的。slip off意為“滑落”;by accident意為“意外地”;while引導時間狀語從句,意為“當……時候”。

Shortly after celebrating his 50th wedding anniversary with his wife, an 82-year-old man in the tiny German town of Bad Müenstereifel lost his beloved wedding ring。 Ironically, the 50th anniversary is supposed to be “golden”, but the most precious piece of gold that the man owned was nowhere to be found。 His wife said to him that it was certain to appear somewhere, but to the elderly man, the symbol of their love and marriage seemed lost forever。


Two and a half years after the ring went missing, the man’s wife passed away。 Now, more than ever, he longed for his ring! But he’d seen no sign of it in all that time! Little did he know, the ring was hiding in his own backyard。


Six months after his wife’s passing, the man was harvesting vegetables from his garden 。。。 that’s when he happened to find his long lost wedding ring! The ring must have slipped off of the man’s hand by accident while he was working in his garden all those years ago。 As rain pushed the wedding ring further into the ground, and the shifting earth swallowed it further down, the ring became mixed with some carrots 。。。 until one carrot grew through it!




