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If it‘s fog, it will disperse long ago


Time will melt away all the sharpness


It’s not the style of a princess


怕什麼 反正我會遇見別人

What are you afraid of? Anyway, I will meet others


A big thing as long as it is decent sleep at

再耗耗 耗到不喜歡了 就沒事了

If you consume it until you don’t like it, it’s okay。


如果事與願違 那一定另有安排

If things go against expectations, then there must be other arrangements

把所有期望降低 能遇見就是萬幸

Lower all expectations, it’s fortunate to meet

簡單的事 乾淨的東西 清楚的感覺

Simple things, clean things, clear feelings


在無人的角落裡 有更多浪漫的秘密

There are more romantic secrets in no one’s corners

掉進水裡不會淹死 一直待在水裡才會

If you fall into the water, you won’t drown, you will stay in the water。


The happiness of overdraft has to be repaid with countless times of loss


好多人代替好多人 好多人忘記好多人

Many people replace many people, many people forget many people

人生很長 被人喜歡這件事 我不趕時間

Life long been fond of this thing I do not hurry

這一路都是風景 我就不為你翻山越嶺了

This road is full of scenery, I won’t go over the mountains for you


中途離開的人 都是說過會陪你很久的人

Those who leave halfway are people who have said they will stay with you for a long time

如果世界有安排 那我們一定是最好的遇見

If the world has an arrangement, then we must be the best to meet

講真的 回頭看你的時候  太一般了

Seriously, when I look back at you, it‘s too ordinary


