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大灣區全力發展高科技產業 科創企業得到多方支援

大灣區全力發展高科技產業 科創企業得到多方支援

【大灣區全力發展高科技產業 科創企業得到多方支援】大灣區一直致力於發展高科技產業,其強有力的政策支援和出眾的科創氛圍是眾多公司選擇在此創業的主要原因。博志生物CEO馬馳在接受CGTN @Zoey朱珠 採訪中表示,前期香港科技園提供了大量關於如何在內地建立和拓展市場的指導,公司總部從香港搬至深圳後,也得到了租金折扣等多方面財政支援。The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has been stepping up its efforts to develop its high tech sector。 Many companies say they chose the GBA to start their business due to the strong policy support and enabling high-tech environment。 Ma Chi, the CEO of Bone‘s Technology mentioned that Hong Kong science park has given the firm a lot of support as to how to build the market and product and how to make the product market expansion in the Chinese mainland。 And when their headquarters moved to Qinghai in Shenzhen, “we also have a lot of financial support, like we enjoy 40% discount on the rent。”

大灣區全力發展高科技產業 科創企業得到多方支援

