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【愛情】成熟的人說:我們短暫交錯,尾聲潮落,致敬這場相遇. . .


We staggered for a short time, the end of the tide, salute the meeting。


People who like you are always free and know everything。

【愛情】成熟的人說:我們短暫交錯,尾聲潮落,致敬這場相遇. . .


If you can‘t get a response, let it be enough。

4。原本我這一生 不想被誰左右。

Originally, I didn’t want to be controlled by anyone in my life。

【愛情】成熟的人說:我們短暫交錯,尾聲潮落,致敬這場相遇. . .


I know someone loves me, but I seem to lack the ability to love。


You can think that I am overflowing, I don‘t refute, or that I don’t care who goes。

【愛情】成熟的人說:我們短暫交錯,尾聲潮落,致敬這場相遇. . .


Many people want me to take good care of myself, but no one ever said I should。


It‘s good for you to be safe and happy。 It’s not so important to be together。

【愛情】成熟的人說:我們短暫交錯,尾聲潮落,致敬這場相遇. . .


Live a good life。 Tell me something happy when you meet next time。

10。他已經和我說清楚了 再愛就不禮貌了。

He has made it clear to me that it would be impolite to love again。

【愛情】成熟的人說:我們短暫交錯,尾聲潮落,致敬這場相遇. . .

11。我也要開始新生活了 人生漫長 你多保重。

I‘m going to start a new life too。 Life is long。 Take care of yourself。

12。我相信世界上有一個溫暖的人只為你悲喜,為你阻擋著人間的鋒利 。

I believe that there is a warm person in the world who is only sad and happy for you, who is blocking the sharp edge of the world for you。

【愛情】成熟的人說:我們短暫交錯,尾聲潮落,致敬這場相遇. . .


My moon is desolate and small, my Sunday is full of books, I am deeply immersed in many impossibilities。

14。想抱一抱你 想告訴你 我理解你的敏感和小心翼翼也知道你真的很努力 你要多多關照自己的情緒 剩下的我們慢慢努力。

I want to hold you。 I want to tell you that I understand your sensitivity and carefulness。 I also know that you really work hard。 You should take care of your emotions more。 The rest of us should work hard slowly。

