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在這個世界上,有一種人怎麼吃都不胖!有一種人從來不努力,卻過目不忘!。。但從來沒有一種人不鍛鍊就有完美的肌肉。“你的身材是天生的。”這句話讓健美冠軍Meissa哭笑不得,這是在諷刺她的健美成果嗎?她打趣道:“我可以向你們所有人保證,我呱呱墜地的時候並沒有6塊腹肌。”她認為,她的DNA裡住著的是決心,她的血管裡流淌著的是勇氣。 作為一名職業健美選手,她認為自己如今的成績與基因無關。


走近百大冠軍第248期Meissa Sosa(IFBB BIKINI PRO):

今天早上,我收到一封郵件,上面寫道:你的身材是天生的……我不認為你的成功是來自你的努力以及你所謂的飲食計劃。有些人是天生的,有些人不是。。是的,話是這麼講。This morning I got an email that said:It seems obvious you were just born with your body。。。 I don‘t think you should just attribute your success to hard work and mug cakes。Some people are born with it and some people aren’t。 。Yes, those are the exact words。


當有人向我發表自己的意見,我表示歡迎。甚至是我不想聽的意見。我不是教唆你去攻擊罵我的人,而是和你分享我認為非常重要的東西。I truly do appreciate it when people voice their opinions to me。 Even if they aren‘t words I want to hear。 I’m not bringing this to your attention to bash on the person who sent me this email, but to share a message that I think is very important。


如果你想取得成果,你就不能找藉口。我可以向你們所有人保證,我呱呱墜地的時候並沒有6塊腹肌。If you want to make results happen you can‘t make excuses。I can assure you all that I was not born with a 1ittle baby six pack。


基因不該為我所塑造的身體“背鍋”。無論如何,我的DNA裡住著決心,我的血管流淌著勇氣。Genetics are not to blame for the physique I have built。However, determination is in my DNA and grit flows through my veins。


我媽媽一直很胖,直到幾年前瘦了80磅(太驕傲了)。我父親的身體素質也不大好。是的,我身材一直健美到現在,是因為我幾乎一輩子都是個有競爭力的運動員。我的身材並非代代相傳。My mom was obese until she lost 80 pounds a few years ago (so proud )。 My dad has life threatening health conditions due to the way he treats himself and his medical history。 。Yes, I’ve been fit for quite some time now as I was a competitive athlete nearly my entire life。But it wasn‘t just handed to me or passed down like a family tradition。


我拼命努力了好幾年才有今天,但我仍然知道我還有很長的路要走。事實上,我要馬不停蹄,因為我從不想停止進步!我永不知足,這就是我。I have worked my ass off for YEARS to get to where I am today and I still know I have a ways to go。 In fact, I have forever to go because I never want to stop improving! I’ll never be fully satisfied。 That ‘s just who I am。


我不是想數落你,我是不想你被自己淺薄的認識所誤導。I don “t want to discourage you。 But I ’d rather be completely honest than to mislead you into thinking that if you do this workout or eat that mug cake then you ‘ll be fit。


不是那麼容易,很難。真的很難。成功不是施捨,是爭取。結果會隨著時間推移而變化,不是一夜之間。如果你對這個過程保持一致性和耐心,你就會達到目的,而且是值得的。It’s not that easy。It‘s hard。 Really hard。Success is not given。 It’s earned。Results happen over time。 Not overnight。 If you stay consistent and patient with the process, you will get there。And it will be worth it。


我們井水不犯河水。我的基因表示不服,我的努力表示不服,最重要的是,我的用心良苦。No two fitness journeys are alike。 Don ‘t blame it on genetics。 Blame it on hard work。Most importantly, blame it on heart。


