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“都說冰糖葫蘆兒,甜裡面透著酸”, 那“冰糖葫蘆”用英文該怎麼說呢?



candied haws on a stick

Sugar-Coated Fruit (haws, yam, etc。) on a Stick



I‘d like to talk about “bing tang hu lu”, which is a kind of traditional Chinese snack and is basically crispy sugar-coated fruits on a stick。


所以我們再向老外介紹這種中國民間小吃時,可以直接用拼音“bing tang hu lu”來表示,如果別人還不懂,我們就可以說成是“sugar-coated haws”。

sugar-coated = covered with sugar 即“裹著糖衣的”

haws英文釋義:Haws are the red berries produced by hawthorn trees in the fall。即“山楂”

sugar-coated haws就是指“裹著糖衣的山楂”,用此形象的形容冰糖葫蘆,通常我們還會在後面加上“on a stick”,是指在一根棍子上裹著糖衣的山楂。我們還可以用“candied haws on a stick”。coat可以作動詞,表示“包裹著……”的意思。所以冰糖葫蘆的英文表達還是很具體的,大致的意思就是:插在棍子上的包裹著一層脆糖的山楂。




正確表達:rock candy或者sugar candy (英式英語),也可以說成rock sugar,還有crystal sugar或者crystalized sugar。

Rock sugar (or rock candy) is refined, crystalized sugar in small cubes or in irregular lumps。 Lightly transparent, its colour can be white or light yellow。 Compare to regular sugar, it has a milder taste, that is to say, it’s less sweet。

rock sugar(或rock candy)是精製的結晶糖,小塊或不規則塊。微透明,顏色可為白色或淡黃色。與普通的糖相比,它的味道更溫和,也就是說,它沒那麼甜。

In Chinese cuisine, rock sugar is commonly used in both savoury and sweet dishes。 It s often called for in making braised dishes (i。e。 Red cooked pork belly) to give meat a shiny glaze。 You will also find rock sugar in Chinese dessert recipes, such as Birds nest with rock sugar (冰糖燕窩) and Pear with rock sugar (冰糖雪梨)。 In Northern China, a popular street snack called Bingtang Hulu (冰糖葫蘆, literal translation: rock sugar bottle gourd) is also made with rock sugar。


