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Lilibet is the only 'thing' in this world which is absolutely real to me.(Lilibet是我在這個世界上的唯一真愛)

這種深沉、堅定不移的愛構成了一段長達 73 年的婚姻的基礎,也是現代英國君主制的核心。

菲利普親王死後,伊麗莎白相信,他們 有一天會“團聚”,這讓她感到些許“安慰”。



On the balcony at Buckingham Palace are (from left) King George VI, Princess Margaret, Lady Mary Cambridge, Princess Elizabeth, the Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary, at the wedding of Elizabeth and Philip in November 1947



Within a year of marriage, the couple had produced an heir to the throne as Charles Philip Arthur George, was born on November 14, 1948。 Their second child, Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise, on August 15 1950。

結婚一年後,伊麗莎白和丈夫菲利普生下王位繼承人——查爾斯·菲利普·亞瑟·喬治,當天為1948 年 11 月 14 日。他們的第二個孩子安妮·伊麗莎白·愛麗絲·路易斯於 1950 年 8 月 15 日出生。


Queen Elizabeth II and Philip wave from the balcony to the crowds at Buckingham Palace after the Coronation in June 1953

1953 年 6 月加冕典禮後,伊麗莎白二世女王和菲利普從陽臺上向白金漢宮的人群揮手致意


The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh travelled the world together, taking in sights many can only dream of。 Pictured, the royal couple are on a visit to Tuvalu in the South Pacific in 1982

女王和愛丁堡公爵一起環遊世界,參觀了許多人夢寐以求的景點。圖為王室夫婦在 1982 年訪問南太平洋吐瓦魯時的留影


The Duke of Edinburgh always made the Queen laugh, including on this visit to the Braemar Gathering in Scotland in 2013

愛丁堡公爵總是讓女王發笑,包括在 2013 年參加蘇格蘭的高地運動會之時


Even after Prince Philip‘s death, the monarch never removed her engagement ring - she was seen wearing it on one of her final day


It began in July 1939 when Princess Elizabeth joined her parents George VI and Queen Elizabeth, and sister, Princess Margaret, on a visit to Dartmouth’s Britannia Royal Naval College。


She had met Prince Philip on two previous occasions - the 1934 wedding of his cousin, Marina, to her uncle, Prince George, Duke of Kent, and at her father‘s 1937 coronation - but on this occasion they were properly introduced。


Eighteen-year-old Philip was tasked with showing the royal visitors around and immediately made an impression on the young princess with piercing blue eyes and coiffed blonde hair。


Urged on by his uncle Dickie, Philip asked the King if he could correspond with the young Princess。 This was a surprising request as Elizabeth was barely a teenager and the King might well have refused。


The King could see the effect the young man had on his daughter, so he agreed。



Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip announced their engagement in July 1947 (left)。 Their wedding was held on November 20, 1947 at Westminster Abbey in front of 2,000 guests (right)

伊麗莎白公主和菲利普親王於 1947 年 7 月宣佈訂婚(左)。他們的婚禮於 1947 年 11 月 20 日在威斯敏斯特教堂舉行(右),參加婚禮的賓客達2000人。


The Duke of Edinburgh and the Queen spend time with their children Prince Charles, Princess Anne and Prince Andrew in Balmoral in 1960。

1960 年,愛丁堡公爵和女王在巴爾莫勒爾與他們的孩子查爾斯王子、安妮公主和安德魯王子共度時光。


The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh arriving at Royal Ascot in June 1962。

1962 年 6 月,女王和愛丁堡公爵抵達皇家賽馬會。


Throughout their long married life, the pair remained close


, at ease in each other’s company。 The success of their relationship was put down to their


of character and their shared love of horses and the outdoor life。



The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh had four children: Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward and Prince Charles。 Above, the family photographed in Buckingham Palace in 1972

女王和愛丁堡公爵有四個孩子:安妮公主、安德魯王子、愛德華王子和查爾斯王子。上圖是 1972 年在白金漢宮拍攝的一家人

In 1943 Philip was invited to spend Christmas with the Royal Family at Windsor。 By the end of the war, newspapers had begun to speculate about the relationship between Elizabeth and the young Navy officer。

1943 年,菲利普受邀在溫莎與皇室一起過聖誕節。二戰結束時,報紙開始猜測伊麗莎白和這位年輕的海軍軍官之間的關係。

In early 1947, Elizabeth accompanied her parents on a tour of South Africa, in the process becoming the first heir to the throne to celebrate a 21st birthday in a Commonwealth country。

1947 年初,伊麗莎白陪同父母遊覽了南非,成為第一位在英聯邦國家慶祝 21 歲生日的王位繼承人。

In a radio broadcast, she made a

poignant pledge

: ‘I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong。


’But I shall not have strength to carry out this resolution alone unless you join in it with me, as I now invite you to do。。。 God bless you all who are willing to share it。‘


Shortly after the Princess returned from South Africa, her engagement to Prince Philip was formally announced。


It has been suggested that they became unofficially betrothed in the summer of 1946, but that the King and Queen were anxious to stop the young heir to the throne rushing into marriage。

據說他們在 1946 年夏天非正式訂婚,但國王和王后急於阻止年輕的王位繼承人匆忙結婚。

There was also the ’issue‘ of Philip’s family。


He was the only son of Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark and Princess Alice, daughter of the first Marquess of Milford Haven。 Both he and the Queen were great-great grandchildren of Queen Victoria。



The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh look relaxed as they share a quiet moment with their corgis in Balmoral in 1975

1975 年,女王和愛丁堡公爵在巴爾莫勒爾與他們的柯基犬分享安靜的時刻,看起來很放鬆


The Queen and Prince Philip receive a traditional Fijian welcome on board the Royal Yacht Britannia on their arrival in 1977

1977 年,女王和菲利普親王在皇家遊艇不列顛尼亞號上受到斐濟傳統的歡迎


Friends spoke of how the Duke of Edinburgh helped the Queen feel confident at public events, like this black tie dinner at an official reception in Papua New Guinea in October 1982

朋友們談到愛丁堡公爵如何幫助女王在公共活動中充滿信心,比如 1982 年 10 月在巴布亞紐幾內亞舉行的正式招待會上的黑色領帶晚宴


1946 年,菲利普親王用充滿愛意和溫暖的話語告訴當時的伊麗莎白公主,他是如何“毫無保留地”愛上她的。


Philip served in the Royal Navy during the Second World War and saw active service against German, Italian and Japanese forces。


The Greek prince‘s early life was also marked by


- he escaped his home country as a baby by being hidden in a makeshift cot made from an orange box。


So his words were filled with meaning when he told Princess Elizabeth in 1946 how his love for her made all his past struggle - and the horrors the world had just been through - seem trivial by comparison。

因此,當他在 1946 年告訴伊麗莎白公主時,他的話充滿了意義,他對她的愛如何使他過去的所有掙扎——以及世界剛剛經歷的恐怖——相比之下顯得微不足道。

He wrote: ’To have been spared in the war and seen victory, to have been given the chance to rest and to re-adjust myself, to have fallen in love completely and unreservedly, makes all one‘s personal and even the world’s troubles seem small and petty。‘


And in a letter to the Queen Mother two weeks after his wedding to Princess Elizabeth in November 1947, Philip expressed his vision for their time together。

在 1947 年 11 月與伊麗莎白公主結婚兩週後,菲利普在給王太后的一封信中表達了他對他們在一起時光的願景。

He said: ’Lilibet is the only thing in this world which is absolutely real to me and my ambition is to wield the two of us into a new combined existence that will not only be able to withstand the shocks directed at us but will also have a positive existence for the good。。。 Cherish Lilibet?‘




His sisters had married Nazis and there were questions around his German ties。 Sir Alan Lascelles, George VI’s private secretary, summed up the view of Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten taken by some of the Royal Family and many courtiers when he wrote: ‘They felt he was rough, uneducated and would probably not be faithful。’

菲利普有姐妹嫁給了納粹分子,有人對其與德國的關係提出質疑。 喬治六世的私人秘書艾倫·拉塞爾斯爵士總結了一些王室成員和許多朝臣對菲利普·蒙巴頓中尉的看法,他寫道:“他們覺得他粗糙,沒有受過教育,可能不會忠誠。”

He was certainly rough, in the sense that he wasn‘t a ’refined‘ royal。 But Philip was a naval officer who had fought a good war and been mentioned in dispatches。


He was also penniless, the son of a gambling


who’d spent the final years of his louche life in the


of Monte Carlo。


However, Elizabeth‘s heart won out。 Philip applied for British nationality and became a naturalised British subject, renouncing his Greek royal title and taking the surname Mountbatten。He was created Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth and Baron Greenwich, and made a Knight of the Garter。


Following the wedding, the couple spent their wedding night at the home of the Duke of Edinburgh’s uncle, the Earl Mountbatten of Burma, in Broadlands。


The couple then travelled to Birkhall on the Balmoral Estate for the rest of their honeymoon


As newlyweds Philip and the Queen moved to Malta, living in Villa Guardamangia - on the outskirts of the capital Valletta - between 1949 and 1951, while the Prince was stationed there as a naval officer with HMS Magpie。

1949 年至 1951 年間,新婚夫婦菲利普和女王搬到馬耳他,住在首都瓦萊塔郊區的 Guardamangia 別墅,而王子則作為海軍軍官與 HMS Magpie 一起駐紮在那裡。

The Queen later described it as one of the best periods of her life as it was the only time she was able to live ‘normally’。



There they had the freedom to enjoy parties, picnics and boat expeditions, and the princess was even able to take a trip to the hairdressers for the first time。 The couple returned to Malta often throughout their lives, including to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary in 2007。


Within a year of marriage, they produced an heir to the throne。 Their first son, Charles Philip Arthur George, was born on November 14, 1948, and their second child, Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise, on August 15, 1950。




days came to an end in July 1951 when the couple returned home to Clarence House。 George VI‘s health was failing and his eldest daughter was needed to help shoulder the responsibility of engagements and royal tours。


The couple spent more than a month in Canada and the US in the autumn of 1951 and the following January took George VI’s place on a planned tour of Australia and New Zealand that had been postponed due to his ill health。


On 6 February, 1952, while in Kenya on the first stop of the tour, the King died。


Like so many other times in her life, it was Philip who was by Elizabeth‘s side when she was told the news。 Indeed, it was the Duke of Edinburgh who informed his wife that her beloved father had passed, and that she was now Queen。


Arrangements were quickly made for the Royal party to return to London, with a plane flying them from Nanyuki, a nearby town, to Entebbe where a plane was waiting。


Arriving back at Clarence House, which they were soon to leave for Buckingham Palace, Philip’s valet John Dean asked him if he should put his Navy uniforms away。 ‘Yes, John,’ said the new Queen‘s husband


, ’you put them away。 It will be a long time before I need them again。‘


Having been forced to give up the Royal Navy career he adored, Philip became, as the clergyman puts it, ’an increasingly irritable presence in the Palace as he sought to find his feet in a court that accorded him no status and attempted to bypass him at every stage‘。


Worse was to follow — their children would not bear his family name Mountbatten, but his wife’s, Windsor。 The Queen was in tears as he reportedly raged: ‘I am the only man in the country not allowed to give his name to his children。 I’m nothing but a bloody amoeba。‘


A source said: ’The Queen learned very quickly the balance between being a dutiful wife and doing her duty to the country。 The constitutional nature of the monarchy was probably her salvation — perhaps even the marriage‘s — so that as Queen she had to obey her Prime Minister。


’As a bride she had promised to obey her husband, the only man that she has ever known intimately in all of her 90 years。‘



She could do nothing about the sudden end of his naval career, one in which he could have


the heights。


Decades later, knowing just how much it would mean to him, the Queen would give up one of her own lofty titles, that of Lord High Admiral, and touchingly, bestow it on him as a loving, 90th birthday surprise。 He is said to have been ’almost in tears‘。


But in the early days of marriage, when she saw that Philip felt his restless energies were being largely wasted, and that he was frustrated at being subordinate to his wife, she couldn’t ease the problem with such a gesture, no matter how meaningful。


This has been offered as the explanation as to why, from time to time, he just had to get away。 So began the many global journeys round the world that he made, usually with male friends and often aboard the Royal Yacht Britannia。


‘She missed him enormously,’ one member of her inner circle said ‘and sometimes his trips did go on for weeks and weeks。 She loved him so much and just accepted that he needed to be away。

“她非常想念他。” 女王的一位密友說,“有時,他的旅行會持續幾個星期,她非常愛他,但只能接受他需要離開的事實。”

’It seemed to me she was allowing him a kind of controlled freedom to


for the confining nature of royal life。 Out of reach of the royal routine was the only time he could be truly independent。‘


What is inescapable is that over many decades of marriage, until age restricted his travel, the Queen and her Prince were spending nearly six months of every year apart。 In the main, the Queen ignored the gossip that this was bound to generate。


Only once does the rumour-mill appear to have got to her。 That was when the Duke, with his old naval




Mike Parker, embarked on the Britannia on October 15, 1956, and were still away the following February。


What hurt the Queen was speculation about a marriage rift appearing in the American newspapers。 It even led to questions being asked in the House of Commons amid reports, also in America, of women smuggled aboard the royal yacht。


Faced with a


for answers, the Queen issued an official denial that there was a rift in the marriage and flew out to meet her husband, who, by then, was in Portugal。 They had been apart for 124 days。


In a carefully


reunion, she used the occasion pointedly to promote him from mere Duke of Edinburgh to Prince of the realm。


The couple went on to have two more children。 Prince Andrew Albert Christian Edward was born February 19, 1960, and Prince Edward Antony Richard Louis on March 10, 1964。 Peter Phillips, the eldest son of Princess Anne and the Queen and Philip’s first grandchild, was born in 1977。


At the time of her death, the Queen had eight grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren。



Their love of family was one of many things the couple shared。 Other shared pursuits included collecting pictures and books on birds。 But they were both happy to let each other enjoy separate pursuits。 ‘

The secret of a happy marriage is not to have the same interests

,’ the Duke once said。


Thus, the Queen would never have intruded on the Duke‘s love of sailing or carriage riding, while he would never have


with her racing operations。


That’s not to say they didn‘t have their arguments。 The Duke was the only person who could tell the Queen to ’shut up‘, while she complained of his ’pigheadedness‘。

這並不是說他們沒有爭論。公爵是唯一能讓女王 “閉嘴 ”的人,而女王則抱怨他 “豬頭”。


On one occasion, in a row that will ring true with married couples everywhere, the Duke told the Queen that he would ’put her out‘ of the car during an altercation over his driving style。




Yet they understood one another — and they got on so well。 They were good companions: the chattering never stopped — listening to one another, laughing repeatedly — and nor did the love。 Family friends have stories to tell of Philip holding his wife’s hand or gently stroking her hair。




The Queen reflected on his invaluable support on their Golden Wedding in 1997, at a lunch hosted by the then Prime Minister Tony Blair in Whitehall。


Paying an affectionate tribute to Philip, she said: ‘He is someone who doesn’t take easily to compliments, but he has, quite simply, been my strength and stay all these years。 And I, his whole family, and this and many other countries, owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim or we shall ever know。‘ These were the words shared once again after his death。


Fifteen years later, during her Diamond Jubilee address to Parliament, her sentiment was the same。


’During these years as your Queen, the support of my family has, across the generations, been beyond measure,‘ she said。 ’Prince Philip is, I believe, well-known for declining compliments of any kind。 But throughout he has been a constant strength and guide。‘


She was never bored in his company, whether they were watching the Antiques Roadshow or re-runs of The Two Ronnies, or dining together, just the two of them。



When Philip’s death came, the Queen weathered her personal tragedy with her signature resilience, at least in public, returning to royal duties when restrictions would allow。


At the funeral, the world grieved as the Queen sat alone as she mourned her husband。



One year later, she made a rare public appearance to attend Prince Philip‘s memorial service at Windsor Castle in March 2022。


And her grief remained apparent at the Royal Windsor Horse Show in May, when her eyes appeared to well up during a moving tribute was paid to Prince Philip。






n.知己; (可吐露秘密的)密友



n.和睦相處; 並存; 相容; (尤指計算機及程式的)相容性,相容性



adj.令人感傷的; 令人沉痛的; 悲慘的; 酸楚的



n.劇變; 動盪; 動亂; 激變



n.墮落的人; 不道德的人









v.補償; 彌補; 給(某人)賠償(或賠款)



n.朋友; 友人; 夥伴






v.大聲(或吵鬧)地要求; (尤指亂哄哄地)大聲地喊叫,呼叫

n.喧鬧聲; 嘈雜聲; 吵鬧; 民眾的要求



