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People will be in a bad mood, can not say the loss, do not understand the sad, not clear staggered。

2。 最怕的不是說出秘密,而是兩個人的秘密,你卻在第三個人那裡聽見。

The biggest fear is not to tell the secret, but the secret of two people, but you hear it from a third person。


3。 生活沒那麼多劇情,靠譜的人花樣不多卻能陪你過平淡生活。

There are not so many plots in life, and there are not many reliable people, but they can accompany you to lead a plain life。

4。 活得累是因為心裡裝了多餘的東西,跟吃飽了撐的是一個道理。

Live tired is because the heart loaded with superfluous things, with full support is a truth。


5。 有時候,明明心如刀割,卻要燦爛的微笑,明明很脆弱,卻表現得如此堅強,眼淚在眼裡打轉,卻告訴每個人我很好。

Sometimes, Mingming‘s heart is like a knife, but he has to smile brightly。 Mingming is very fragile, but he is so strong。 Tears revolve in his eyes, but he tells everyone that I am very good。

6。 時間並不會真的幫我們解決什麼問題,它只是把原來怎麼也想不通的問題,變得不再重要了。

Time doesn’t really help us solve any problems。 It just makes the problems that we couldn‘t figure out before become unimportant。


7。 或許一生可以愛很多次,然而總有一個人可以讓我們笑得最燦爛,哭得最透徹,想得最深切。

Maybe we can love many times in our life, but there is always someone who can make us laugh the most brightly, cry the most thoroughly and think the most deeply。

8。 知無不言,也不一定都是率真,或許還是因為情商不夠。能把嘴邊的話嚥下去,也是一種練達。

Knowing everything is not always straightforward, maybe it’s because EQ is not enough。 To be able to swallow the words around the mouth is also a kind of sophistication。


9。 想得開,也就那麼一回事。想不開,什麼都是事。

If you want to be open, that‘s the same thing。 I can’t believe it。 Everything is a business。

10。 生活,在喜怒哀樂間走走停停。不知道會遇見什麼,只知道陽光這麼好,別辜負了今天。

Life, in the joys and sorrows between stop and go。 I don‘t know what I’ll meet。 I only know the sunshine is so good。 Don‘t let it down today。


11。 這年頭一點都不缺愛情,缺的是把愛情當回事的人。

This year, there is no lack of love, the lack of love is to take people seriously。

12。 心本來不大,不要揹負太多。對昨天的糾結,最終只是囚禁了今天和明天。一定要學會釋放!

Heart is not big, don’t carry too much。 The entanglement of yesterday only imprisons today and tomorrow。 We must learn to release!


13。 生活之所以耀眼,是因為磨難與輝煌會同時出現。

The reason why life is dazzling is that suffering and glory will appear at the same time。

14。 所有成長的秘訣在於自我剋制,如果你學會了駕馭自己,你就有了一位最好的老師。

The secret of all growth is self-restraint。 If you learn to control yourself, you will have the best teacher。




