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Some people are so incredibly talented that they can be artistically inspired by the most unexpected of things, such as spilled drinks。 Case in point – Italian artist Giulia Bernardelli, whose amazing coffee art began as a mishap。

有些人奇思妙想,他們可以從最意想不到的事物中發掘靈感,比如,用灑出的飲料創作。義大利藝術家 Giulia Bernardelli 就是一個好例子,她的咖啡藝術品靈感源於一次事故。




One day, Giulia was drawing and having her coffee at the same time。 At one point, she moved her hand too quickly and spilled her coffee all over the canvas, but the way the coffee stain spread inspired her to pick up the spoon and use it as a brush, to guide the brown liquid。 And that’s how her journey into coffee art began。 She got better and better at it, and today Bernardelli is regarded as one of the world’s best coffee artists。

那天,Giulia 一邊畫畫,一邊喝咖啡。一時間,她因為手挪得太快,不小心把咖啡都灑在畫布上,但因禍得福,咖啡漬蔓延出的圖案,給了她靈感。她拿起勺子當刷子,將咖啡液塗抹在畫布上。自此, 她開啟了咖啡藝術之旅。Giulia 越畫越好,如今, 她已經成為全球最好的咖啡藝術家之一。



Her spilled coffee art was an instant hit on Instagram, and she has since branched out into other edible art mediums, including, melted ice cream and pie filling, collaborating with various brands along the way。

她的咖啡藝術在 Instagram 上一炮而紅。隨後,她開始涉足使用其他食材的藝術表達,包括融化的冰淇淋、餡餅的餡料,並開始跟各種品牌合作。


As for the things Giulia draws with coffee, she takes inspiration from a variety of things, such as famous artworks, architecture, or the human body。 Regarding her future plans, the Italian artist likes to take things one step at a time。“My future starts when I wake up every morning。 Every day I find something creative to do with my life,” she said。

Giulia 表示,她的咖啡畫題材,靈感源自各式各樣的東西,有著名藝術品、建築、甚至是人體。關於未來的計劃,她喜歡一步一步來,她說,“早上一睜眼,我的未來(創作)就開始了。在日常生活裡,你總能發現點創意。”

不少網友在 Giulia Bernardelli 的帖子下留言:




圖片來源:Photo: Giulia Bernardelli Instagram

