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WCM世界校園大師丨丹麥家居品牌 HAY 為室內設計設獎

WCM世界校園大師丨丹麥家居品牌 HAY 為室內設計設獎

HAY 室內設計創意獎

HAY Interior Design Award

“HAY 室內設計創意獎”是丹麥家居品牌 HAY 以品牌名義,為 “World Campus Masters 世界校園大師畢設作品優選計劃2021”設立的年度特別獎項。

HAY Interior Design Award, in the name of HAY , a danish contemporary design brand, is an annual award specifically set for World Campus Masters Selective Graduation Design Program 2021。

該獎項由丹麥家居品牌 HAY 與Young Bird Plan共同制定,旨在鼓勵年輕設計師關注室內設計與家居產品之間的關係,就空間的多元化與延伸性展開探討,填充其間的傢俱家居品自設計語言上的表達、自色彩維度上的探索、自功能應用上的研究等等。藉此機會,我們希望為當下居家辦公的混合語境帶來更為豐富的可能性,為市場和消費者提供原創和新穎的設計理念。

This award, formulated by HAY and Young Bird Plan, to encourage young designers to focus on the relationship between interior design and home furnishing products, and to explore the diversity and extension of space with the products—— from the expression of the design language, from the exploration of the color dimension, from the study of the functional application。 By taking this opportunity, we hope to bring more possibilities for the current home office situation and provide original and creative design concepts for the market and consumers。


來自全球室內設計相關專業的2017-2021年度畢業生(獎項釋出當季的5個自然年以內畢業的本科/碩士/博士畢業生)皆可以個人或團隊名義參加WCM 世界校園大師評選,提交內容為已經完成的畢業設計作品。


Designers who graduated between 2017 and 2021 and major in Interior Design are welcome to participate, including undergraduates and post-graduates within 5 calendar years after the current competition launched。 Both individuals and teams can participate in WCM Program and the submission is your completed graduation design works。


Registration Method:

1。 Click the competition page of WCM pragram and then register to sign up the competition。

2。 Submit your completed graduation design work。

3。 Apply for this award by email。 Email Title:WCM 2021Apply for HAY Interior Design Award; Email Content: Creator‘s CV+Registration Code; Email your application to: wcm@youngbird。com。cn



冠軍(1組):可自選價值5000元 HAY 任意產品

3強(2組):每組可獲得 HAY Bowler Table

30強作品(27組): 每組可獲得 HAY Lup 及 HAY Block Notes

Evaluation: The brand enterprise will select Top 30, Top 3andchampion from all of the submitted works。

The champion: 5000 RMB HAY products

Top3 winners: HAY Bowler Table

Top30 winners: HAY Lup & HAY Block Notes

WCM世界校園大師丨丹麥家居品牌 HAY 為室內設計設獎


The champion: 5000 RMB HAY products

WCM世界校園大師丨丹麥家居品牌 HAY 為室內設計設獎

三強獎品:HAY Bowler Table

Top3 winners: HAYBowler Table

WCM世界校園大師丨丹麥家居品牌 HAY 為室內設計設獎

三十強獎品:HAY Lup 及 HAY Block Notes

Top30 winners: HAY Lup & HAY Block Notes

關於 HAY /

About HAY

WCM世界校園大師丨丹麥家居品牌 HAY 為室內設計設獎


Click to know more about the brand

丹麥家居品牌 HAY 創建於2002 年,與全球富有天賦及創造力的設計師緊密合作,HAY 致力於以現代生活的視角及精湛的工藝打造具有當代風格的傢俱。受到藝術獨創性、建築的基本原理以及時尚的動態性所啟發,HAY 吸引了眾多熱忱的國際觀眾。透過對精良工業製造過程的承諾,我們竭力讓全球更多人得以購買到簡約、兼具功能性及藝術性的優良產品。

HAY was founded in 2002 with the ambition to create contemporary furniture that uses sophisticated industrial manufacturing to satisfy the needs of modern living。 Today, this fundamental goal remains our mission: through our commitment to the design and production of furniture, lighting and accessories with an international appeal, we strive to make good design accessible to the largest possible audience。


WCM世界校園大師丨丹麥家居品牌 HAY 為室內設計設獎


Click to see the complete proposition of World Campus Masters Selective Graduation Design Program 2021

WCM世界校園大師2021企業自定義獎項/Corporate-tailored Award

WCM 世界校園大師設有企業設定自定義獎項特殊機制,全球企業、機構皆可自定義設立年度特別獎項,自定義獎項設立方案由企業與Young Bird Plan競賽組委會共同制定,並在競賽命題內實時更新和釋出。

WCM 世界校園大師是一場設計新秀與全球所有行業的正向對話,企業自定義獎項的設立不僅是企業文化及品牌理念的輸出渠道,更是對年輕羽翼的呵護和關注,也是為新生設計思潮的前行注入推動力。因此,WCM 世界校園大師企業自定義獎項是具有設計力和前瞻性的公司對年輕設計師的支援,參賽者可對此持續關注。

The WCM Program, with special award defined by enterprise itself, invites global companies and organizations to set up their own exclusive award。 The tailored award will be set up by company and Young Bird Plan competition committee and it will be updated and released in real time。

The WCM program is a positive dialogue between the rising stars of the design world and all industries in the world。 The establishment of corporate-customized award is not only an output channel of corporate culture and brand concept, but also our care and attention to young designers。 Therefore, the WCM corporate-customized award is a support to young designers from strong and forward-looking company。

Official Website(官網):


