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圍術期低血壓對患者有害,低血壓預測指數是一種基於動脈波形特徵的商業化演算法,能否有效降低術中低血壓的發生,減少低血壓的時間呢?看一下發表在Anesthesiology雜誌上的文章Prevention of Hypotension during Moderate- to High-risk Noncardiac Surgery。詳細資訊可下載全文獲得。






我們將接受中、高風險非心臟手術的成年患者納入了本試驗,並進行了有創性動脈壓監測。參與的患者隨機接受有或無低血壓預測指數指導的血流動力學管理。當指數超過85(0至100)時,臨床醫生會收到警報,並基於血流動力學引數的治療演算法給出建議,予以加壓藥、輸液或觀察。主要結果是低血壓的量,定義為時間加權平均動脈壓小於65 mmHg。次要結果是時間加權平均壓力小於60和55 mmHg。


在214例入選患者中,隨機分到指數指導組的患者共105例(49%)。指數指導組患者時間加權平均動脈壓小於65 mmHg的中位數(第一四分位數,第三四分位數)為0。14 (0。03, 0。37),而無指導組患者為0。14(0。03,0。39),中位數差異(95%CI)為0(–0。03~0。04),P=0。757。因此,指數指導不會減少血壓低於65 mmHg的低血壓的量,也沒有降低低於60或55 mmHg的低血壓的量。分析僅限於臨床醫師干預事件時,指導與低血壓降低有關。









Hypotension Prediction Index for Prevention of Hypotension during Moderate- to High-risk Noncardiac Surgery: A Pilot Randomized Trial


The Hypotension Prediction Index is a commercially available algorithm, based on arterial waveform features, that predicts hypotension defined as mean arterial pressure less than 65 mmHg for at least 1 min。 We therefore tested the primary hypothesis that index guidance reduces the duration and severity of hypotension during noncardiac surgery。


We enrolled adults having moderate- or high-risk noncardiac surgery with invasive arterial pressure monitoring。 Participating patients were randomized to hemodynamic management with or without index guidance。 Clinicians caring for patients assigned to guidance were alerted when the index exceeded 85 (range, 0 to 100) and a treatment algorithm based on advanced hemodynamic parameters suggested vasopressor administration, fluid administration, inotrope administration, or observation。 Primary outcome was the amount of hypotension, defined as time-weighted average mean arterial pressure less than 65 mmHg。 Secondary outcomes were time-weighted mean pressures less than 60 and 55 mmHg。


Among 214 enrolled patients, guidance was provided for 105 (49%) patients randomly assigned to the index guidance group。 The median (first quartile, third quartile) time-weighted average mean arterial pressure less than 65 mmHg was 0。14 (0。03, 0。37) in guided patients versus 0。14 (0。03, 0。39) mmHg in unguided patients: median difference (95% CI) of 0 (–0。03 to 0。04), P = 0。757。 Index guidance therefore did not reduce amount of hypotension less than 65 mmHg, nor did it reduce hypotension less than 60 or 55 mmHg。 Post hoc, guidance was associated with less hypotension when analysis was restricted to episodes during which clinicians intervened。


In this pilot trial, index guidance did not reduce the amount of intraoperative hypotension。 Half of the alerts were not followed by treatment, presumably due to short warning time, complex treatment algorithm, or clinicians ignoring the alert。 In the future we plan to use a lower index alert threshold and a simpler treatment algorithm that emphasizes prompt treatment。

Editor’s Perspective

What We Already Know about This Topic

Hypotension prediction algorithmscommonly use arterial waveform features derived from arterial blood pressure monitoring。 Whether they reduce the duration and severity of hypotension, especially in noncardiac surgery, is unknown。

What This Article Tells Us That Is New

Of 214 noncardiac surgical patients, 105 (49%) patients randomized to management with a hypotension prediction algorithm, intraoperative hypotension was not reduced compared with controls。 A lower alert threshold enabling adequate warning time and a simpler treatment algorithm that emphasizes prompt treatment after alert may help。


Maheshwari K, Shimada T, Yang D, Khanna S, Cywinski JB, Irefin SA, Ayad S, Turan A, Ruetzler K, Qiu Y, Saha P, Mascha EJ, Sessler DI。 Hypotension Prediction Index for Prevention of Hypotension during Moderate- to High-risk Noncardiac Surgery。 Anesthesiology。 2020 Sep 22。 doi: 10。1097/ALN。0000000000003557。

