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無糖飲料裡的甜味劑,與癌症風險增加有關|PLOS Medicine


翻譯 阿金

編輯 魏瀟

人造甜味劑可減少新增的糖含量以及相應的卡路里,同時保留甜味。3 月 24 日,一篇發表在《公共科學圖書館:醫學》(PLOS Medicine)期刊上的研究表明,一些人造甜味劑與癌症風險的增加相關。領導該研究團隊的是法國國家健康與醫學研究所(Inserm)和巴黎北索邦大學(Sorbonne Paris Nord University)的夏洛特·黛布拉斯(Charlotte Debras)與馬蒂爾德·圖維爾(Mathilde Touvier)。

無糖飲料裡的甜味劑,與癌症風險增加有關|PLOS Medicine

每天都有數百萬人食用包含人造甜味劑的食品和飲料。然而,這些新增劑的安全性一直存在爭議。為了評估人造甜味劑的潛在致癌性,研究人員分析了來自法國營養網路-健康研究(NutriNet-Santé study)102 865 名法國成年人的資料。營養網路-健康研究是一項基於網路的佇列調查,由來自法國巴黎大學(Université de Paris)營養流行病學研究團隊(EREN)在 2009 年啟動,並延續至今。受訪者自願參加,自主報告疾病史、社會人口狀況、飲食、生活方式和健康資料。研究人員收集的資料包括 24 小時飲食資料中人造甜味劑的攝入情況。在隨訪過程中,研究人員還收集了癌症診斷資訊,隨後展開統計學分析,調查人造甜味劑攝入和癌症風險之間的關係。此外,他們還調整了一系列變數,包括年齡、性別、教育、體育運動、吸菸、體重指數、身高、隨訪期間的體重變化、糖尿病、家族癌症史,以及能量、酒精、飽和脂肪酸、纖維、糖分、全麥食物以及乳製品攝入的基線。

結果發現,攝入更多人造甜味劑——尤其是阿斯巴甜(aspartame)和乙醯磺胺酸鉀(Acesulfame-K,又稱安賽蜜)——的受訪者與不攝入人造甜味劑的人相比,總體的癌症風險更高(風險比為 1。13,介於 1。03 到 1。25 的 95% 置信區間)。而且在乳腺癌和肥胖關聯癌症患者中觀察到更高的風險。


作者表示:“我們的發現不支援食用人造甜味劑作為代替食物和飲料中糖分的安全產品,並提供重要的新資訊解決其潛在健康危害爭議。儘管結果需要在其他更大規模的佇列研究中得到復現,也要透過實驗研究闡明其中的作用機制,但是,研究結果為歐洲食品安全域性(European Food Safety Authority)和全球其他衛生部門重新評估食品甜味新增劑提供重要的新思路。”




【標題】Artificial sweeteners and cancer risk: Results from the NutriNet-Santé population-based cohort study

【作者】Charlotte Debras , Eloi Chazelas,…, Mathilde Touvier

【期刊】PLOS Medicine

【日期】March 24, 2022




The food industry uses artificial sweeteners in a wide range of foods and beverages as alternatives to added sugars, for which deleterious effects on several chronic diseases are now well established。 The safety of these food additives is debated, with conflicting findings regarding their role in the aetiology of various diseases。 In particular, their carcinogenicity has been suggested by several experimental studies, but robust epidemiological evidence is lacking。 Thus, our objective was to investigate the associations between artificial sweetener intakes (total from all dietary sources, and most frequently consumed ones: aspartame [E951], acesulfame-K [E950], and sucralose [E955]) and cancer risk (overall and by site)。

Methods and findings

Overall, 102,865 adults from the French population-based cohort NutriNet-Santé (2009–2021) were included (median follow-up time = 7。8 years)。 Dietary intakes and consumption of sweeteners were obtained by repeated 24-hour dietary records including brand names of industrial products。 Associations between sweeteners and cancer incidence were assessed by Cox proportional hazards models, adjusted for age, sex, education, physical activity, smoking, body mass index, height, weight gain during follow-up, diabetes, family history of cancer, number of 24-hour dietary records, and baseline intakes of energy, alcohol, sodium, saturated fatty acids, fibre, sugar, fruit and vegetables, whole-grain foods, and dairy products。 Compared to non-consumers, higher consumers of total artificial sweeteners (i。e。, above the median exposure in consumers) had higher risk of overall cancer (n = 3,358 cases, hazard ratio [HR] = 1。13 [95% CI 1。03 to 1。25], P-trend = 0。002)。 In particular, aspartame (HR = 1。15 [95% CI 1。03 to 1。28], P = 0。002) and acesulfame-K (HR = 1。13 [95% CI 1。01 to 1。26], P = 0。007) were associated with increased cancer risk。 Higher risks were also observed for breast cancer (n = 979 cases, HR = 1。22 [95% CI 1。01 to 1。48], P = 0。036, for aspartame) and obesity-related cancers (n = 2,023 cases, HR = 1。13 [95% CI 1。00 to 1。28], P = 0。036, for total artificial sweeteners, and HR = 1。15 [95% CI 1。01 to 1。32], P = 0。026, for aspartame)。 Limitations of this study include potential selection bias, residual confounding, and reverse causality, though sensitivity analyses were performed to address these concerns。


In this large cohort study, artificial sweeteners (especially aspartame and acesulfame-K), which are used in many food and beverage brands worldwide, were associated with increased cancer risk。 These findings provide important and novel insights for the ongoing re-evaluation of food additive sweeteners by the European Food Safety Authority and other health agencies globally。

Trial registration




