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As the questioner tried to find out some reasons behind China‘s inferior products, it seems that it only gave a hypothesis that China cannot produce high-quality products, which is definitely a misunderstanding, especially at present。


Yes, there is no doubt that China has the ability to produce high-quality products。 As we all know, world famous brands have factories in China, the most famous of which is Apple。 In March this year, Apple released the 2016 Supplier Responsibility Progress Report, which mentioned the distribution of Apple’s 18 manufacturing plants around the world。 Surprisingly, China has 14 factories, two in the United States, one in South America and one in Europe。 Among these manufacturers, the famous Gol and Foxconn are not new to us Chinese。 So take out your iPhone and look at it carefully。 You may find the sign of “Made in China”。



In fact, many world-class brands have their own manufacturing plants in China。 Even luxury brands such as Coach, Burberry and MK choose OEM (OEM) in China。 Obviously, the above products are of high quality and enjoy a high reputation in the world。 If they do not believe that China cannot produce high-quality products, how can they distribute manufacturers in China?


As far as Chinese local brands are concerned, some of them enjoy high reputation on the world stage, such as Haier, Lenovo, GREE, Huawei, etc。 These well-known brands not only have a huge customer market in China, but also go global。 Another example is CRH (China Railway Expressway)。 In 2015, Chinese train manufacturers CSR and CNR even defeated the giant Siemens and cooperated with German national railway operator Deutsche Bahn。 China is also a world leader in aviation and aerospace technology, keeping pace with the United States and Russia。

就中國本土品牌而言,其中一些品牌在當今世界舞臺上享有很高的聲譽,如海爾、聯想、GREE、華為等。這些家喻戶曉的品牌不僅在中國擁有巨大的客戶市場,而且還走向世界。另一個例子是CRH(中國鐵路高速)。2015年,中國火車製造商中國南車(CSR)和中國北車(CNR)甚至擊敗了巨頭西門子(Simens),和德國國家鐵路運營商德國鐵路(Deutsche Bahn)合作。中國的航空和航天技術也處於世界領先地位,與美國和俄羅斯並駕齊驅。


I often browse some authoritative newspapers, such as The Economist and The New York Times。 Sometimes, it is very gratifying to see that the western mainstream media even have to admit the transformation of China‘s manufacturing industry and praise the Chinese products with continuously improved quality。


In addition, several friends are studying abroad。 I also know that the world is no longer dominated by the West。 You can see “Made in China” products anywhere, from technology products such as smartphones and household appliances to daily products such as clothes and even toothpaste! Of course, this involves another problem, that is, how to define high-quality products。 For ordinary people, durable products are enough。 Therefore, they can also be said to be of good quality。


So why do many people around the world still think that China is unable to produce high-quality products?


I think you mean high-quality products that need some core technologies。 Although China has some world famous brands, it still believes that China is a “world factory” inferior to Europe and the United States on the whole。 Why?


1。 This is related to the history of China’s economic development。


Although China has a civilization of more than 5000 years, compared with other western countries, China has a market economy history of only 30 years。 Now, “Made in China” products can be seen everywhere in the world, but it will take a long time for China to become a “world factory”。 The rules of market economy determine that in some cases, cheap prices are more attractive than quality to some extent。 As a Chinese proverb says: “Good quality at low price”, which means that good quality and low price products are the best choice。 Therefore, China must use cheap labor to produce high-quality products to attract customers and compete with other countries。

儘管中國擁有五千多年的文明,但與其他西方國家相比,中國只有三十年的市場經濟歷史。現在,世界各地隨處可見“中國製造”產品,但中國要成為“世界工廠”也需要很長時間。市場經濟規則決定了在某些情況下,廉價的價格在某種程度上比質量更有吸引力。正如一句中國諺語所說:“物美價廉”, 這意味著物美價廉的產品是最佳選擇。因此,中國必須利用廉價勞動力生產高質量的產品,以吸引客戶,從而與其他國家競爭。

Sometimes, quantity accumulation will lead to qualitative change。 A country‘s economy needs to go through a process from labor-intensive economy to innovative economy。 For example, Japanese products are now famous for their good quality, especially their robots, electronic products, and even some daily necessities。 The Chinese are very keen on buying electronic cookware from Japan。 Because of the good quality, they either go to Japan to buy some home or entrust a client to buy one for them (now called “purchasing on behalf of others”)。



But just imagine that a few decades ago, Westerners also thought Japanese products were terrible。 Now, China is going through the same process as Japan 40 years ago。 This is related to the starting point。 China takes innovation as a priority in the modernization of its industrial structure and strives to upgrade itself from a quantitative manufacturer to a quality manufacturer。 I believe that the world has now witnessed the growing strength of China and its fine products。


2。 Compared with traditional industrial countries such as Germany, Britain and the United States, China lacks a history of industrial foundation。


Although some national brands have gained worldwide reputation, export commodities still lack competitiveness in the global market。 Sometimes, the dominant western media may also misunderstand Chinese products。 China is still in the process of transformation。 For an emerging economy, many Chinese companies are far from mature, lacking innovative technology, compliant professional ethics and cooperation culture。


Since China started from a labor-intensive market, it is also blamed for its counterfeit culture。 The counterfeit products manufactured are similar to the appearance, but lack of core technology。 In fact, the lack of intellectual property rights in China has led to the rise of copycat culture, and the culture of comparison has also led to the popularity of the purchasing industry。 Because we Chinese sometimes don’t even trust our own products, how can we really improve the quality of our products?


In a word, China has the ability to produce high-quality products, which is what I want to explain first。 However, it should also be recognized that Chinese companies still have a long way to go before they can manufacture products with innovative technologies and try to spread their products abroad to win praise from foreigners。 In my opinion, everyone in China needs to play their role, correct the misunderstanding of China‘s inferior products, and try to change the slogan from “Made in China” to “Innovation in China”。




If I realized after working in China that if you want to buy a “Made in China” product, you’d better buy it from China。 The quality and structure of the products are much better than those sold in your own country。


The problem is not China, but ourselves or our traders, who have realized that as consumers, our expectations for products are bad。 We are always subconsciously ready to buy any cheap counterfeit product, as long as it is cheap!!


This reminds me of a friend of mine who imports hardware products from China。 This is his first time to do business with a Chinese company。 He is negotiating the price of the product。


The Chinese seller said, “5 USD unit price!!”。


This is a competitive offer, but he wants to see if he can get a better price。


“How about the unit price of $3?”


“All right!”


Wow。。。 It‘s so easy。


Then my friend felt that he could lower the price again and tentatively offered another one。


“Sorry, I was wrong。 I mean the unit price of 2 dollars。”


“Okay, no problem”


My friend is ecstatic。 He thinks he has made a lot of money。 He has just completed a lucrative transaction。


A few weeks later, his goods arrived。 He opened the goods excitedly, but found that the quality of the products was not up to the standard, and the surface was rough。


He angrily called the Chinese seller to complain。


“You cheated me!! This is not the quality you promised me。。。”


The Chinese coldly replied, “If you pay $2/unit price, you will get $2 quality products。 If you want $5 quality products, you need to pay $5/unit price!!”




Many people are used to linking “Made in China” with shoddy products, but this concept really needs to be updated。 China now produces products of different levels from low to high, many of which are commendable。


China has many OEM (original equipment manufacturer) factories that provide OEM services for overseas brands, including some luxury brands, such as Adidas, Nike, Louis Vuitton, Prada, etc。



In other words, China has the technology needed by many international brands。 Therefore, China’s manufacturing industry has actually reached a fairly high quality level, but these high-quality products are usually exported to foreign countries rather than sold in China。


With so many OEM factories, China is in a difficult situation。 Even if they are fully capable of producing high-quality products, they cannot develop their own original brands。 But now, with the global financial contraction, many OEM factories in China are trying to get rid of this dilemma and turn OEM (OEM) into OBM (independent brand manufacturing)。 They still have a long way to go。 But China certainly does not lack the ability to manufacture high-quality products。 Some of China‘s products are the best in the world, even better than some international brands。


I can cite Apple as the most obvious example, but I think most microwave ovens and other white goods in the world are made in China。 Solar panels, hulls and electronics are also on paper。


For a long time, the “Made in China” label has been a weak point for goods made of inferior materials, inferior workmanship and questionable safety, let alone a ridiculous attempt at counterfeiting。 This is still certain。 I think it will take a long time for China to get rid of this reputation。 Until China had some world famous brands of its own, which were trusted and loved by the people of the world。




You will be surprised to find that there are many large and famous companies in China that are producing these products, which are considered to be of high quality and sell for thousands of dollars。 So this is a wrong assumption: that China cannot make high-quality products。


All companies manufacturing high-end products in China have invested a lot of money to verify product quality, 100% inspection, defect classification inspection at each stage (raw materials, pre production, production and post production)。。。 They also audit them (to understand their first step), ensure that they pass the ISO 9001 (quality management standard) certification, and invest in their cooperative factories through example application。

所有在中國製造高階產品的公司都投入大量資金,在每個階段(原材料、生產前、生產中和生產後)驗證產品質量,100%檢驗,缺陷分類檢查……他們還透過審計他們(瞭解他們的第一步),並確保他們透過ISO 9001(質量管理標準)認證,並透過例項應用,投資於他們合作的工廠。


In some cases, they will require the factory to obtain certification, so that they can sign the contract with more confidence。


When you look at most current importers, they try to reduce costs by lowering labor costs, which is no longer possible。 If you want to go to Vietnam or other countries, but do not expect high quality。


If you want to manufacture high-end products in China, please conduct a basic audit on suppliers and ISO 9001, which is very important for quality control。

如果您想在中國製造高階產品,請對供應商和ISO 9001進行基本稽核,這對控制質量非常重要。

If the supplier does not have ISO 9001 certification, please ask him to obtain the certification, and if he does, audit。 They have this document, but that does not mean they have implemented it。

如果供應商沒有ISO 9001認證,請要求他獲得該認證,如果他有,就進行審計。他們有這份檔案,但這並不意味著他們實施了它。

Compared with the losses you may suffer, your investment in these audits and controls is a small investment (look at Samsung, which did not control the battery quality。 They made a mistake and lost the Chinese market)。


Don’t try to save costs in the manufacturing process, because I‘m sure you will be happy to sell these products at a high price, and then place new orders, because your customers are satisfied and your company has a quality reputation。


To put it simply, as long as the procedures are complete and the certification is complete, you can make high-quality products in China。


